Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Man Blindfolded and Beaten in Tel Rumeida

In the evening the 19th of November a Palestinian man was arrested, blindfolded and beaten without reason while walking outside his house in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. The man was walking in his own property, a couple of meters form his house, when a soldier started yelling at him falsely accusing him for having entered a closed military zone. Two more soldiers appeared and the Palestinian was blindfolded, handcuffed and brought to the army base where he was beaten by one of the soldiers.

The Palestinian man’s House is situated next to an army base belonging to the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) in Tel Rumeida. During the intifada 2001 the house was occupied and used as an army base and an illegal prison by the IOF, when the army left the house in 2003 it was again illegally occupied, this time by Israeli settlers. In June 2007 the Palestinian owner of the house finally got it back after a long fight in court.

After two hours the man was finally released and could return to his house. Much of what happened, included the beating, was filmed by local Palestinians and Israeli and international HRW:s, there are also five witnesses who were walking together with the Palestinian man when
he was arrested who all says that the he did not leave his own property before being arrested by the soldiers.

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